Auto Repair SEO Services
Get Found On Google, Bing & Others:
Our SEO plans are geared towards getting your site ranked in both Organic (main) listings of search engines as well as Google's Local Search (places or maps section) for common local auto repair keyword phrases. What you get is a campaign effort that utilizes the most effective and legal ranking methods like link building, article submissions and more. Your campaign will target various keywords and keyword phrases that we recommend, or that you can tell us to use. You can alter your campaign at anytime and cancel at anytime if you wish.
SEO For Auto Repair Shops:
There are vital things need to happen and be in place in order for your website to rank in search engines. Below are a few articles that are updated each year which report on the major ranking factors for Google and others.
Article #1 > Article #2 >
These ranking factors have to do with "LOCAL SEARCHES"..... This means searches done on Google that have a city, or region keyword within the words searched. In other words, if a person searched for "Auto Repair Chicago IL" then this would be considered a "LOCAL SEARCH" and will show different results then a normal search. Your goal should be to have your website display in this top section of Google when a local search is performed. There is however no clear cut way of getting ranked in this spot as various factors come into play as the article illustrates. Two of the top criteria for ranking better are having several positive Google Reviews about your business.... the second is having what's called "Citations". Citations are simply a listing of your business in other sites, usually directory type sites. The vital key is to make sure all your listings in any website are EXACTLY the same. For instance, if you have a listing as ABC Repair Shop, 123 Miller Rd., then you need to make sure any other mention of your business on the web has this exact spelling. In other words, you should not have ABC Repair Shop, 123 Miller Road. Google will see this as another business and not give you the citation.
Be sure to contact us about our advanced SEO services where we do all the work for you. Our services also include social media marketing such as Creating and Updating Facebook pages, Google + Pages, Twitter Pages and more. with our SEO plans, you can cancel any of the services at anytime, but we highly recommend doing at least a 4 to 6 month campaign because it does take time for search engines to rank sites even with intensive optimizing services being performed. We are extremely confident you will be 100% satisfied with our services!